Wednesday 24 January 2018

Crystallography in Materials Science

Crystallographic methods are dependent on cataloguing of the diffraction patterns of a material that is targeted by a beam of different kind of rays. X-rays are mostly used beams that include electrons or neutrons. This is given by the wave properties of the material particles. Cryptographers frequently state that the kind of beam used, is the terms “X-ray crystallography”, “neutron diffraction” and electron diffraction. There has been quite some time that this confirmation of the crystal or any material from outside normality is detected with the consistency of the inside structure.

The application of physics and various branches to describe the properties of materials. It is a combination of Physical sciences such as solid mechanics, solid state physics, and materials science.  Materials scientists use Crystallography to characterize different materials. In a form of crystals, the crystalline arrangement of atoms is easily visible to see macroscopically, as the natural shapes of the crystals will reflect the atomic structure. Materials Science in chemistry includes the synthesis of different crystals and study of materials that have very useful magnetic, optical, electronic and mechanical properties. Material science has a broad range of applications like includes composites ceramics and polymer materials. Materials Science role, involves in the recent discovery, development and designing of new materials.

The tracks in the conference include Computational Crystallography, Industrial Crystallization, Functional Crystals, Organic & Inorganic Crystals, Porous and Liquid Crystals, Powder Diffraction Crystallography of Molecular Solids, Screw Dislocations, Edge Dislocations

For more details about Crystallography Congress 2018, Bucharest, Romania

Jessica Mark
Program Manager | Crystallography Congress 2018


Tuesday 16 January 2018

Role of Crystallography in Mineralogy and Geology

Mineralogy and the geological resources are of major economic importance. Most of them are crystalline which explains the important role played by crystallography in their study. Minerals may occur either massive or forming characteristic geometric forms known as crystals. Max von Laue discovered the diffraction of X-rays by crystals and almost immediately diffraction methods were applied to the structural characterization of minerals. One early success of X-ray crystallography was the structural classification of silicate minerals. However, application of X-ray diffraction was not limited to minerals. It was soon used for the structural characterization of molecular crystals as well and, later on, even of proteins.

Mineralogy is basically the science of minerals, which includes their crystallography, chemical composition, physical properties, genesis, their identification and their classification. Mineralogy is branches in science of Geology and there are many related subjects such as Nano materials, material science, and metallurgy and Nano science. “Principles of Elementary Mineralogy and Crystallography”. We have reviewed the historical perspective of the science of mineralogy, cited some of the evidences for the prehistoric uses of minerals and rocks, and described some of the principle applications of the science of mineralogy.

Jessica Mark
Program Manager | Crystallography Congress 2018

Monday 8 January 2018

Crystallography & Novel Materials

Conference Series LLC is glad to invite you to the upcoming “4th International Conference on Crystallography & Novel Materials” will be held in November 19-20, 2018 at Romania, Europe. The theme of our conference is “Using Novel Materials exploring different Crystallography Techniques”. Crystallography Congress 2018 initiates a world technical crystallography congress to learn about the latest development and different techniques, as well as how to launch new applications of novel materials and technologies in crystallography.

Conference Highlights:
  • Applied Crystallography
  • Crystallography of Novel Materials
  • Chemical crystallography
  • Crystal Growth and Crystallization
  • Crystallography in Biology
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) crystallography
  • Electron Crystallography
  • Recent development in the X-ray studies
  • Novel materials for Energy applications
  • Thermo electrics Crystallography
  • Computational Crystallography
  • Future challenges in Crystallography
  • Crystallography techniques
  • Characterization and development of novel materials

Contact: Jessica Mark